The author begins with “as if Japan didn’t have enough on its hands”. Sad but true, the new horror facing japan; are the 1,000 bodies near the shore of the leaking Fukushima plant, leaving the bodies contaminated with radiation. So contaminated in fact that they are highly dangerous to handle or move. He also states; that most tsunami and earthquake victims are usually retrieved, cremated then returned to their family members, but japans government is baffled, proclaiming this situation will require a solution with decisive action and a high degree of delicacy. What was stated was that they were not ready to make a decision for a plan of action, since struggling to cool the plant’s reactors and prevent a catastrophic meltdown, with several explosions. Creating fires carrying polluted gasses and discharged water from the plant have released radiation into the air and ocean near the plant, affecting anyone who remains in the area including the dead If a plan has been made then it has not been made public, For a country that has been prepared for disasters of this kind, Japan is seeing a lot of new problems setting an entirely different magnitude of disaster.
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