Its said that the second-generation iPad will have an Apple A5 processor that will provide more speed and power while not consuming more power than the original iPad's A4 chip, giving it faster performance than its predecessor, even though the current iPad has excellent performance and is already pretty thin and light as well as support for high-definition video output thanks to a new adapter. It’s also supposed to be thinner and lighter than its predecessor. With a release in April while all of the changes I've read about will be welcome, I don't expect them to be dramatic improvements. It seems there's nothing in the iPad 2 that's going to make the original model obsolete. The only current iPad owners who should be seriously considering an upgrade are ones who really want to do video conferencing. Either way I have been out of the iPod/iPad movement and don’t really expect to see my way into it, I can’t really find anything appealing about them either, they’re too pricey and flashy. Is it for me? definitely not. Would I recommend it? probably not, It's all up to you and your notes.
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