We know Microsoft set out to do four things with IE9. The browser had to be fast, it had to be standards-compliant, it had to be trustworthy, and it had to put the focus on sites and Web content, rather than the browser. Ars technica, a technology news and information website has been following the browser's development since the first public preview in March 2010, with extensive coverage of the beta and release candidate, but those major points are still worth looking at. Mainly it was to compare IE9 to IE7 and chrome and strip its interface down to make it cleaner and simpler, intending the site to be the major focus and not the frame.
The end results were the tabs have moved alongside the address bar (though they can be moved below it if desired), the status and menu bars are gone by default, the toolbars are gone by default, and the icons on the buttons use new artwork, and also includes a download manager, and private browsing. Feedback say’s “It has a new slimline interface”, “It’s much less annoying”, and some are even upset they had to wait so long for it. I personally do see a difference and wouldn’t mind downloading it and putting it to use right away.
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